COME2BCN, SL, is hereby the business that is responsible for the management of the personal data of the User and informs him/her that this data will be managed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27 of 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of people with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of this data, for which the following data management information is provided:
The aim: to maintain a commercial relationship with the User.
The planned operations for the management of the data are:
- To send advertising commercial communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enables commercial communications. These communications will be made by COME2BCN, S.L. and will be related to their products and services, or from their collaborators or suppliers with whom a promotion agreement has been reached. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data.
- To carry out statistical studies.
- To process orders or any type of request that is made by the user through any of the contact forms that are made available to him/her.
- To send the website newsletter
Data conservation criteria: the data will be kept while there is a mutual interest to obtain the final aim. When it is no longer necessary for this purpose, it will be deleted with the adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymisation of the data or the total deletion of the same data.
Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties, except under legal obligation.
User Rights:
- The right to withdraw consent at any time.
- The right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its processing.
- The right to file a claim with the Control Authority (agpd.es) if it is considered that the data management does not comply with current regulations.
Contact information to exercise your rights:
Mailing address: COME2BCN, S.L. GRAN VIA DE LES CORTS CATALANES, 558 Baixos 08011
Email: info@apartmentbarcelona.com
The Users, by marking the corresponding boxes and entering data in the fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the contact form or presented in download forms, explicitly, freely and unequivocally accept that their data is necessary to grant their request by the provider, being voluntary the inclusion of data in the remaining fields. The User guarantees that the personal data provided to the COME2BCN, S.L is true and is responsible for communicating any modification thereof.
COME2BCN, S.L informs and explicitly guarantees users that their personal data will not in any case be transferred to third parties and that whenever they make any kind of personal data transfer, the unequivocal consent of the Users will be requested in advance. All data requested through the website is mandatory, as it is necessary for the provision of an optimal service to the User. In case all the data is not provided, it is not guaranteed that the information and services provided will be completely adjusted to your needs.
In accordance with the provisions on the regulations on personal data protection, COME2BCN, S.L. is complying with all the provisions of the GDPR regulations for the management of personal data under its responsibility, and clearly with the principles described in article 5 of the GDPR, for which they are managed in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner in relation to the interested party and adequate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are used.
COME2BCN, S.L. guarantees that it has implemented appropriate technical and organisational policies to apply the security measures established by the GDPR in order to protect the rights and freedoms of the Users and has communicated the appropriate information so that they can exercise them.
1. Information about the company responsible for processing the data hosted on the page and social network (COME2BCN, S.L.):
In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/619 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their Personal Data and the Organic Law 15 / 1999, of December 13, of Protection of Data of a Personal Nature, COME2BCN, S.L. wishes to inform the users of this social network about the policy regarding the management and protection of personal data of those people who voluntarily access and use our website. The access and use by the user of this page implies that he/she expressly accepts this privacy policy and that he/she gives his/ her consent for the processing of his / her personal data as foreseen in it.
2. Data of minors or disabled people
Access and registration on this social network is prohibited to minors under fourteen (14) years. For its part, if the user is unable, COME2BCN, S.L. warns that the consent of the owner of the parental authority or guardianship of the user or his/her legal representative will be necessary for accessing and using this page and will be explicitly exempt from any liability that may arise from the use of the official website by minors and disabled people being said responsibility of their legal representatives in each case.
3. Identification of the trading name of the company responsible for the file (COME2BCN, S.L.)
The user is informed that COME2BCN, S.L. is the owner of the domain https://www.apartmentmadrid.com/en/, as well as the profiles of official social networks, being responsible for the files and the way in which the personal data of the user is collected and stored as a consequence of the registration and use of the page within this social network, without prejudice to the managements for which the titular entity of the social network in which our page is responsible.
4. Intended purposes for personal data, information and consent
Personal data provided voluntarily by the user will be part of a data handling responsibility of COME2BCN, S.L. with the purpose of offering information about the entity by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enables commercial communication, sending a newsletter to those users who subscribe, exchange information with COME2BCN, S.L. and other users and establish communication with third parties.
From the moment in which the user uses this official page he/she gives his/her free, unequivocal, specific, informed and explicit consent for the processing of his personal data by COME2BCN, S.L., for the correct provision of said services in accordance with the provisions of this policy.
The user is free to use the page within this social network, so if the user does not agree with the processing of their data for these purposes, you should not use it or provide your personal information.
The user can share texts, photos, videos and other information and / or content that will be subject to both this policy and the terms and conditions of the platform.
The user will be responsible for all the contents that he/she publishes in respect to the current legislation, the present policy and the rules of the platform.
The user may only publish on this page personal data, photographs and information or other content whose ownership belongs to him or in respect of which he holds the authorization of third parties. COME2BCN, S.L. shall have the right to remove from this official page - unilaterally and without prior communication or authorization from the user - any content published by the user when the user infringes or violates current legislation, the rules established in this policy and the Rules of the Platform.
5. Identification of the recipients with respect to whom COME2BCN, S.L. plans to carry out assignments or data communications
The user is advised that all the information and content published within the social network may be known by the other users of the official website and the social network platform. Consequently, all the information and content published by the user will be communicated to the rest of the users by the very nature of the service.
COME2BCN, S.L. only plans to carry out assignments or communications of data that, due to the regulations in force, must be made to judges, courts, public administrations and competent administrative authorities.
6. Other third party service providers
COME2BCN, S.L. warns the user that this entity is only responsible and guarantees the confidentiality, security and handling of the data in accordance with this policy, with respect to the personal data collected by the user through this official website in this social network, not having any kind of responsibility with respect to the handling and subsequent use of personal data that could be carried out both by the owner of the social network and by third party service providers of the information society that could access such data by reason of the provision of their services or exercise of their activity, third parties that establish hyperlinks to the social network, or those who are responsible for the hyperlinks.
7. Data quality
COME2BCN, S.L. warns the user that, except for the existence of a legally constituted representation, no user can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data, so the user at all times must take into account that he/she can only provide personal data corresponding to their own identity and that they are adequate, pertinent, current, accurate and true. In any case, the user must respect the privacy of third parties, whether they are users or not of the social network or page https://www.apartmentmadrid.com/en/.
8. Other information of interest
COME2BCN, S.L. may modify and / or replace this policy at any time which, as the case may be, will replace, complete and/or modify the one currently published here. Therefore, the user must periodically access them in order to keep updated.
The user can contact us through the internal messaging service of the social network or through the following contact information: info@apartmentmadrid.com
Also, the user can consult the rules and policies published by the owner of the social network for the use of it.
COME2BCN, S.L., the business responsible for the website, makes this document available to users, with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002 of 11th July by 'Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico' (Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce) (LSSICE), BOE No. 166, as well as to inform the conditions of use to all users of the website.
Any person accessing this website assumes the role of the user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable.
COME2BCN, S.L. reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without there being any obligation to pre-advise or inform the users, being understood as sufficient with the publication on the website of COME2BCN, S.L.
Domain name: https://www.apartmentmadrid.com
Company name: COME2BCN, S.L.
NIF: B64614951
Registered office: GRAN VIA DE LES CORTS CATALANES 558 - 08011 BARCELONA
Telephone number: 934813577
E-mail address: info@apartmentmadrid.com
Enrolled in the Registry (Mercantile / Public): Commercial Registry of Barcelona, volume 22.599, page 53, sheet B-39559, inscription 1.
The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and / or graphics, are the property of COME2BCN, S.L. or, if applicable, it provides a license or expresses authorisation by the authors. All the website content is duly protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property, as well as being registered in the corresponding public registers.
Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, requires in any case prior written authorisation by COME2BCN, S.L. Any use not previously authorised is considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.
The designs, logos, text and / or graphics outside of COME2BCN S.L. that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any possible controversy that could arise with respect to them. COME2BCN, S.L expressly authorises third parties to redirect directly to the specific contents of the website, and in any case redirect to the main website of https://www.apartmentmadrid.com.
COME2BCN, S.L. recognises the corresponding rights of intellectual and industrial property in favour of its owners, not implying their mere mention or appearance on the website the existence of rights or any responsibility on them, as well as endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the same.
To make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so through the following email: info@apartmentmadrid.com.
COME2BCN S.L. exempts itself from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on its website whenever this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party.
Use of Cookies
This website can use technical cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the proper functioning and visualisation of the site. The cookies used have, in any case, a temporary nature, with the sole purpose of making browsing more efficient, and disappear when the user's session ends. In any case, these cookies provide personal data by themselves and will not be used for the collection of them.
Through the use of cookies, it is also possible that the server where the website is located recognises the browser used by the user in order to make browsing easier, allowing, for example, the access of users who have previously registered to the areas, services, promotions or contests reserved exclusively for them without having to register for each visit.
They can also be used to measure the audience, traffic parameters, control the progress and number of entries, etc., being in these cases technically dispensable cookies but beneficial for the user. This website will not install dispensable cookies without the prior consent of the user.
The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be alerted of the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation on his/her computer. Please, consult the instructions of your browser to find out further information.
Link Policy
From the website, it is possible to be redirected to content from third-party websites. Since COME2BCN, S.L. cannot always control the content introduced by third parties in their respective websites, it does not assume any responsibility in respect to the said content. In any case, proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of any content that may contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, proceeding to the immediate removal of the redirection to said website, bringing to the attention of the competent authorities the content in question.
COME2BCN, S.L. is not responsible for the information and stored content, by way of example but not limited to forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the website of COME2BCN, S.L.. However, and in compliance with the provisions of articles 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, it is made available to all users, authorities and security forces, collaborating actively in the withdrawal or, where appropriate, blocking of all the content that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or morality and public order. In the event that the user considers that there's any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the website administrator immediately.
This website has been reviewed and tested to work properly. In principle, the correct operation can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, COME2BCN S.L. does not rule out the possibility of certain programming errors, or that occur caused by force majeure, natural disasters, strikes or similar circumstances that make it impossible to access the website.
IP addresses
The website's servers can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is registered in a properly registered server activity file that allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain only statistical measurements that allow the knowledge of the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to web servers, the order of visits, the access point, etc.
For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities developed therein, Spanish legislation will apply, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent to resolve all disputes arising or related to its use the Courts and Tribunals closest to BARCELONA.